Art works concept: Concept: Positive and negative space
Student's Name: Immy Ngoy
Age: 7 years old
Class: MIQ-Kids
Teacher: Ms. Henni
Spring is here after the long cold winter. With the sun coming out bless us with warmth and dry days, we are excited to announce our annual field trip, which will be coming soon in May. As well as the upcoming Summer camps that will be starting in June.
Our school would also like to update a few things:
Wearing mask in our facility is optional starting from April 1, 2023( a must if you are showing symptoms of coughing, running nose and fever)
If you are traveling during the spring break, vacation form must be filled out and submitted. There will be no extension dates on contract, if not approved. You can submit online through our main page or in person.
Student's Name: Myla Ngoy
Age: 9 years old
Class: MIQ-Creative
Teacher: Ms. Henni